Eonza automation software - free, open source cross-platform program for easy creation and management of scripts.
Third-Party Licenses
Eonza consist of several components and open source libraries that helped us greatly to make our product as you see it now. We say thank you to all developers creating such outstanding software products and permit using them for free with no restrictions.
- AngularJS - The MIT License
- Bindonce - The MIT License
- Colorbox - The MIT License
- Font Awesome - Font Awesome licensed under SIL Open Font License 1.1. Code licensed under MIT License.
- Imperavi Redactor - it is a proprietary commercial copyrighted software but Novostrim, OOO bought OEM license. OEM License. By other way, it is possible to use any other HTML editor.
- Ion.Calendar - The MIT License
- jQuery - The MIT License
- Less.js - The Apache 2 License
- Moment.js - The MIT License
- PHP_XLSXWriter - The MIT License
- SafeMySql - The Apache 2 License
- Showdown - BSD-style open source license
- SimpleXLSX - The MIT License (?)